Weekend Seminar Client Relection
Being able to listen and share in a safe environment with other men from similar backgrounds was very revealing and comforting. Having Dr. Chen as the facilitator allowed a level of honesty and self-reflection that I have not felt before in SAA meetings. Because of Dr. Chen’s intimate knowledge of our emotions, feelings, and past behavior, he was able to ask clarifying and revealing questions that probe for more deep and honest answers. Dr. Chen always made me feel safe and comfortable. He also added down time over meals to get to know everyone on a friendly level. Dr. Chen’s ability to select a group of men that would be able to share openly for a weekend seminar and be able to bond and grow was a gift. The opportunity to have one-on-one time with every man not only helped me to get to know each of them better, but also opened-up a level of honesty that is not always available in group. I can honestly say that without having Dr. Chen as the anchor of my recovery, I would not have as much sobriety as I do today.
Honest Recovery