Considering Different Aspects of Perfectionism


It is important to understand the differences in perfectionism.  There are two types of perfectionists, adaptive and maladaptive.   Although they tend to have similarly high levels of academic success, maladaptive perfectionists experience much higher levels of self-criticism.   These high levels of self-criticism may be related to depression.  This is according to a study appearing in the Journal of Counseling Psychology (Vol. 51, No. 2).

In the study, which is part of a research program led by psychologist Robert B. Slaney, PhD. of Pennsylvania State University, the team used Slaney’s Almost Perfect Scale.  The scale was used to measure 273 undergraduate students’ self-reported perfectionism.  The scale gauges the level of people’s high standards, associated with positive aspects of perfectionism.  It also measures their levels of “discrepancy,” a negative aspect of perfectionism associated with dissatisfaction with performance.

Grade point average (GPAs) for adaptive and maladaptive perfectionists did not differ significantly.  However, maladaptive perfectionists rated themselves as significantly, less satisfied with their GPAs, says one of the researchers, psychologist Jennifer Grzegoek, PhD, of Iowa State University.


“The amazing thing here is that maladaptive folks are meeting the same standards but feel more like failures,” Grzegoek says.

More research is needed.  But evidence from this study indicates some potential applications in therapy:  Perfectionism has been associated with nonresponsive to short-term treatment for depression.  As a result of this, Grzegoek advises therapists to attend to signs of self-criticism and discrepancy in clients.

“Those patients often fail to see perfectionism as a problem, instead considering their high standards to be the secret of their success and something they’re very unwilling to talk about  giving up, ” She says.  “However, we are finding that it is discrepancy, rather than the mere presence of high standards, that is problematic in maladaptive perfectionism.  This may be helpful for perfectionistic clients who are willing to give up their high standards, but who are willing to examine their discrepancy, ” she says.

Source:  American Psychological Association:  Monitor:  Volume 35. No. 5 May 2004

Please contact Dr. Chen for more information.


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